Thursday, December 15

Rich launched Leadership Education Resources™after retiring from an education career to share the experience gained from creating,  administering, and teaching leadership skills. His research led him to conclude that positive leadership springs in equal part from nature, nurture, and mindset. With this in mind Rich created a Leadership Curriculum for grades 1-9 which he taught and administered for five years in a private boarding school. This curriculum, optimally offered at every grade level once a week for the year, is used to train students in character and leadership skills incrementally and chronologically specific to developmental timing and growth. The curriculum developmentally advances the life skills of spirituality,  emotional intelligence, and ethics and values forming, while appropriately introducing choices and decisions, empathetic reasoning, and a variety of personal and group leadership skills. Based upon the success of this pilot program Rich decided to offer consultation and directional programming for schools and organizations desiring the benefits of character and leadership developmental training. Rich does faculty presentations and consultations for schools and is available for presentations, consultations, and presentations of all types in this field.
Reach Rich at

Thursday, October 27

A New Site

Thank you for your patience while a new blogsite for Leadership Education Resources™ is brought into being. My commentary site, "Thoughts From Under The Palm", can now be found at its new address,  The site you are currently visiting is now the official site for LER and will display all information pertaining to Rich Gamble Associates enterprises.
